Inspirational Friday

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I signed up for a great online class called the Creative Coconuts through Creative Thursday.  Today they posted this great video on creativity by John Cleese.  I really liked it so I thought I would share it today on my blog.

I found the part about setting boundaries of space and boundaries of time really hit the spot for me.  I have often thought that it would be wonderful if you could freeze time at any point during the day for a three hour period and do whatever you'd like.  After you had your time to create, rest, exercise or whatever it is that you decide to do, you could unfreeze time and go about your day.  Wouldn't that be great?

The other bit of Inspiration that I'd like to share today is a book called Instant Karma.  It is filled with 8,879 ways to give yourself and others good fortune right now. The author of the book, Barbara Ann Kipfer, has a great website called Things to Be Happy About. The site is based on one of her other books, 14,000 Things to Be Happy About.  It's a fun place to stop by for a quick pick me up.

I did work on a new batch of silver this week. Here is a photo of a few new silver frames that I created to  use for photo transfer necklaces and bracelets.  I'll post photos of the finished products next week.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  See you next week.  Stacie