More Tangles.

Just finished this Zentangle. I really enjoy drawing these designs, so relaxing.  It's the perfect thing to do while you wait for your kids at their classes, at the doctor office or commuting.

I mentioned earlier that I was taking a great class called In the fish bowl, life as an artist.  When I was visiting some of the other artist's websites, I found the author from one of my favorite Zentangle Books.

 Sandy Bartholomew wrote this awesome book and it is full of great Zentangle patterns.  She has an Etsy site too called, Bumblebat, where she has her books and all kinds of Zentangling supplies for sale if you are looking to give it a try.  I finally got some of the great little tiles that you can draw on.  They are great because they fit in a little sandwich bag and drop in your bag for easy transport.

Sandy also has a great blog, BEEZ in the Belfry if you'd like to read more about her and her artwork. She has a new book out too, that I am going to have to buy cuz I'm sick like that!  It has a great title, Yoga for the Brain a Zentangle Workout.

Believe it or not there is a whole Zentangle website. They actually have a weekend seminar in Massachusetts that you can take to become a Certified Zentangle Instructor.  I would love to do that, can you imagine how relaxing that would be?  Do you think there are starving artists scholarships out there for classes like this? 

Speaking of money, I just have to share this poem my eight year old daughter wrote in school.  I went to the school yesterday to bring her McDonald's for lunch and spend a little time together.  While I was waiting for her class to finish up for lunch, I came across this poem she wrote hanging on the wall.

Hope it made you smile too :)