Number 100!

Well, it finally happened...I had my 100th sale on Etsy this week. It couldn't have happened to a nicer customer.  Minda Metz purchased my 100th item and selected this lucky four leaf clover charm as her gift.  Minda owns a great little cafe here in Maryland called The Buzz . The Buzz offers ice cream, pastries, and coffee among other goodies.  If you live in the area, stop by for a visit with Minda and her yummy food.

I'm very excited about my Etsy shop and watching it grow. Although I started my Etsy shop four years ago, I didn't really start fully selling from it until last year. Like many others I felt overwhelmed about how much there was to learn about marketing and selling on line. So last January I started scheduling just 15 minutes a day to learn a little about Etsy. It sort of snowballed and now I'm having trouble getting myself off the computer! It's so exciting how much information is out there.

Yesterday and today I did limit my computer time so I could spend some uninterrupted time in my studio. I made a group of silver pieces that are just about ready to fire in the kiln. I will post photos once I get the new pieces created.

Hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks so much for stopping by. Stacie