End of the year frazzles

Does anyone else feel that end of the year frazzled feeling? It seems as the school year comes to an end the kids get wound up and over emotional. I think this and the fact that they seem to have end of the year celebrations for each and every activity leaves us parents feeling a bit overwhelmed and just pain old tired. Or just old!

I was reading through all the blog posts and just catching up, when I stumbled upon this great post by Kim Klassen. She shares this great list of choosing happiness. I thought I would share it with you just in case you are feeling that same frazzled feeling.

Ten ways to live a happier life by Kim Klassen

If you have time stop by Kim's blog, she teaches awesome Photo Shop classes and shares great free textures. Speaking of Photo Shop, I'm starting a new class tonight at the local college called The Digital Darkroom. Very excited. I started my other digital photography class at the college too this week. I am also signed up for Kim's new class called Photo Shop The Essentials that starts later this month. I should be an expert soon!

And since I'm actually a bit crazy, I signed up for Photo Silly by Steve Sonheim. Ok, so maybe my kids crazy schedules have nothing to do with my frazzled feeling!! Well, off to yoga to relax and shake this frazzled feeling. Hope you have a relaxing day!

"Your body is a flower, it needs food and love to grow" by Madi