Artomatic 2!

At the request of my daughter Madi, I am posting a few more photos from Artomatic. There were so many amazing pieces of art, that I just kept taking photos. I ran out of time editing and writing on Tuesday for the Artisans of the Month post, so I thought I'd share a few more photos with you.

Madi & Josie

Madi's drawing

Josie's Art
This exhibit was really fun for the kids, they got to draw a picture and put it in the glass box under the displayed art. In the month of November The Blue Elephant Art Center will display their work. We'll have to take a visit there and check it out.
Madi sharing her favorite clothing designer
Here are a few more pieces of art to share with you:
Michael Auger

"Dragon in the Hood" by Wool 'N Quilts

Synesthesia Art & Photography

Joseph Merchlinsky

My son Ryan and I visited Artomatic one last time yesterday. He is taking a digital photography class, so he really enjoyed all of the different photographers work. Sorry to see the exhibit come to an end, but I really did enjoy it. Hope you enjoyed the artwork!

"The only treat that is healthy is art." by  Madi