21 Secrets Collage, Painting & Soul Class

I had a great time this Wednesday working on a Collage class from 21 Secrets. What an amazing class this is! I wish I could lock myself in my studio for a week and just play with all the wonderful techniques.

My sister came up for a visit this week for my birthday and a little creative time. We had so much fun with this particular class. The concept included first writing down your thoughts on your journal page, then covering them with fun collage papers. The next task was to find a face in a magazine to alter.

The theme of my journal page was courage and letting go of fears. My thoughts were centered around my art and letting go of all the fears and just soaring. So, I was looking to create something very bold and striking. Here is a photo of the collage before I altered and painted the face:
I choose the Lion to symbolize courage and bravery. We pulled out the paints and transformed the faces, added details to the collage and just kind of played. Here's the result:

The woman is strong and bold, while the Lion is softer and kind. I really love how it turned out. It's funny because I actually picture my journal page at times when I feel I need a little courage.

My sister's collage turned out quite different, much softer and beautiful. Here is her collage before she altered it:
The woman's face is soft and serene. She has two teenage boys, so you can see she is looking for a bit of calm and relaxation!  Here is her collage after she added her magic touches of pen and paint:

I really love the soft blues she incorporated into her collage. So excited to find a few hours to start another class!

While I was visiting the forum for the class this morning, I found this link to a blog called Kim Klassen Cafe that had 10 fabulous quotes we can trust. I wanted to share them with you.
10 quotes that you can trust. Kim Klassen Cafe

 I hope you enjoy the quotes and find a home for some of them in your own artwork. Enjoy your day.