Busy Jewelry Week & New Work Table

I have been busy making new jewelry this week.  I am taking a small group of jewelry to The Muse today.  Here are a few photo's of some of the pieces that I will be dropping off at the shop.
I have a lot of jewelry that I am going to work on this weekend. Here is a peek at a few pieces that were fired in the kiln and tumbled, now I get to see what I will create out of them.
Work in progress!
I forgot to show you the new table that I found a few weeks ago at a Flea Market.  It's a Farm Table from the 1890's.  I love it!  It makes a great work surface, sturdy with a lot of character.  I keep thinking while I am working, who ate on this table???  Makes it kind of fun.
I am looking forward to getting in some jewelry time this weekend.  I am also excited for my Saturday night plans.  My daughter is having a sleepover and my husband is going to be at his brother's 50th birthday golf weekend celebration, so I decided I'm going to pour a glass of wine and sit down to the computer to read all of the other artist's blogs that I've been so wanting to get to.  Then it's off to the County Fair with the kids on Sunday.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Stacie